Coordination Meeting of BPS Bekasi Regency with DISKOMINFOSANTIK Bekasi Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bekasi Regency

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Coordination Meeting of BPS Bekasi Regency with DISKOMINFOSANTIK Bekasi Regency

Coordination Meeting of BPS Bekasi Regency with DISKOMINFOSANTIK Bekasi Regency

January 13, 2025 | Other Activities

Monday, January 13, 2025
On Monday, January 13, 2025, at the 2nd floor meeting room of Diskominfosantik, a meeting was held in the framework of the Coordination Meeting of BPS Bekasi Regency with DISKOMINFOSANTIK Bekasi Regency. Discussion Agenda included:
1. Publication of Bekasi Regency in Figures (KBDA) in 2025;
2. Sectoral Statistics Development (PSS);
3. Publicity of the 2026 Economic Census.

The meeting was opened by the Head of the Bekasi Regency Kominfosantik Service, also attended by the Secretary of the Service and the Sectoral Statistics Team of Diskominfosantik, then from BPS Bekasi Regency attended by the Head of BPS Bekasi Regency, Head of the PSS Team, Secretary of SE2026 and the IPDS Team, on this occasion the Head of BPS Bekasi Regency delivered a brief presentation of the three activity agendas.
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