February 3, 2021 | BPS Activities
National Labor Force Survey February 2021 Officer Training has been conducted on January 24-25, 2021 via Zoom. The survey itself was conducted to help succeed the National Labor Force Survey which was held on February 2021.
National Labor Force
Survey itself is a special survey to collect employment data. The collection of
employment data through National Labor Force Survey has three main
objectives: to identify employment opportunities and the relation to their
education, number of hours worked, types of work, employment opportunities and
employment status; unemployment and underemployment; people who are included in
the non-labor force category, for example: those who go to school, take care of
the household and carry out other activities.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten BekasiKomplek Perkantoran Pemda Kabupaten Bekasi
Kota Deltamas
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Jawa Barat - Indonesia
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