Pelita Bangsa University Statistics Corner - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bekasi Regency

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Pelita Bangsa University Statistics Corner

Pelita Bangsa University Statistics Corner

February 14, 2025 | Other Activities

On Friday, February 14, 2025, in the GI meeting room lt. 2 Pelita Bangsa University (UPB) a meeting was held between the Statistics Corner team of the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) and UPB. This meeting was attended by BPS Bekasi Regency, BPS Bekasi Regency Statistics Corner Team, the person in charge of statistical corner activities from UPB and statistical agents from UPB students.
The event began with remarks from the head of BPS Bekasi Regency, followed by remarks from the person in charge of UPB's statistical corner. On this occasion, Pacta Integrity was also signed for student statistical agents. 
Before the delivery of material by the statistics corner team, a visit was made to the location of the statistics corner located in the UPB Library, in general, the construction of the statistics corner is good where there is furniture and complete publication shelves and PC devices, in the near future it will be equipped with BPS publications, leaflets and standing banners about the statistics corner.
Statistics Corner is a collaboration service between BPS and universities. The Statistics Corner aims to increase literacy and utilization of statistics in higher education.
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#Statistics Corner
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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