Inauguration of Statistics Corner - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Bekasi Regency

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Inauguration of Statistics Corner

Inauguration of Statistics Corner

March 12, 2025 | Other Activities

Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Located at the Pelita Bangsa University Library, Bekasi Regency, the 7th POJOK STATISTIK in West Java was inaugurated. This activity was carried out by signing a Cooperation Agreement and Implementation of Cooperation between BPS Bekasi Regency, namely Krido Saptono, S.Si, M.Si (Head of BPS Bekasi Regency) and Pelita Bangsa University, namely Hamzah M. Mardi Putra (UPB Rector) witnessed by West Java Province BPS Representatives, namely Arianto and Taufik.
This activity was also complemented by the inauguration of 9 Statistical Agents who are students of Pelita Bangsa University itself, namely
1. Lyra Aprilia Putri
2. Dika Febrianto
3. Dheni Eka Mahendra
4. Widiyanti 
5. Marcellawati Cecar 
6. Depi Nurmalasari 
7. Syiva Safira 
8. Bellatasya Naftalie 
9. Salsha Nabila 
This Statistics Corner is realized as an innovation in order to increase statistical literacy in the Higher Education environment as part of Strengthening the National Statistics System (SSN). With the existence of the Statistics Corner, Pelita Bangsa University students can more easily access the data needed or for consultation related to statistical issues in their research interests.
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