Untuk mendapatkan data BPS silahkan datang ke Pelayanan Statistik Terpadu BPS Kabupaten Bekasi setiap hari kerja mulai pukul 08:00 s.d 15:30 WIB
In order to improve the quality of data and public services of BPS Bekasi Regency, please participate in the 2024 Data Needs Survey (SKD) at this link
Wilkerstat ST2023 Map Processing, Briefing, and Consultation
July 19, 2022 | BPS Activities
Wilkerstat ST2023 is the statistical work area for the 2023 agricultural census activities to be conducted by BPS. This map is also used as a master frame for survey activities carried out by BPS. Wilkerstat map preparation using geospatial technology. Some of the technologies that can be utilized include satellite imagery, GPS, and GIS.